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Adaptec Series 7

In the News

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United States

Publication Date Headline
The SSD Review 06/02/2013 Adaptec (by PMC) ASR-72405 RAID Controller (X2) Review – 1M IOPS & 12GB/s Thru 24 SMART Optimus SSDs
Electronic Product 10/01/2012 RAID adapter cards feature PCIe Gen3
Semi Accurate 09/21/2012 Adaptec ups the bar for 12Gbps SAS cards
Media and Entertainment 09/11/2012 PMC-Adaptec Intros PCIe RAID Controllers
Softpedia 09/07/2012 Adaptec Intros Amazing Series 7 RAID Cards Supporting 24 HDDs or SSDs
ElectroPages 09/06/2012 PMC – Highest port count PCIe Gen3 RAID adapters suit many needs
TweakTown 09/05/2012 Adaptec Series 7 enterprise RAID Controllers with PCIe Gen 3 Preview
Storage Review 09/05/2012 Adaptec Series 7 PCIe 3 RAID Adapters Reach 450,000 IOPS and 6.6 GB/s Throughput



Publication Date Headline
硅谷动力 09/11/2012 PMC正式发布ADAPTEC 7系RAID阵列卡
Doit 09/11/2012 革新存储架构 PMC推最多端口PCIe阵列卡
腾讯数码 09/11/2012 革新存储架构 PMC推最多端口PCIe阵列卡
中关村在线服务器频道 09/11/2012 革新存储架构 PMC推最多端口PCIe阵列卡
电脑商情在线 09/11/2012 Adaptec by PMC推出端口数最多的PCIe Gen3 RAID阵列卡
Watchstor.com 09/10/2012 PMC推出业界端口数最多的PCIe Gen3 RAID阵列卡
IT168 09/07/2012 Adaptec by PMC推PCIe Gen3 RAID阵列卡
企业数据存储技术与管理信息资源 09/07/2012 Adaptec by PMC 推出业界端口数最多的PCIe Gen3 RAID阵列卡
存储在线 09/09/2012 Adaptec by PMC推出端口数最多RAID阵列卡
ZDNet.com.cn 09/06/2012 PMC正式发布ADAPTEC 7系RAID阵列卡
网络世界 09/06/2012 Adaptec by PMC 推出16端口PCIe Gen3 RAID阵列卡
硅谷动力 09/06/2012 PMC推出PCIe Gen3高性能RAID阵列卡
网络世界 09/06/2012 Adaptec by PMC 推出16端口PCIe Gen3 RAID阵列卡
豆豆网 09/06/2012 PMC®公司推出PCIe Gen3高性能RAID阵列卡 - 技术分享 - 豆豆网



Publication Date Headline
Das Storage-Magazin 09/06/2012 Adaptec bringt 16 Ports in Low-Profile-Controller unter



Publication Date Headline
Searchina 09/06/2012 PMC-Sierra launched RAID adapters taking full advantage of PCIe Gen3 bandwidth
Zaikei Shinbun 09/06/2012 Adaptec by PMC Transforms Data Center Storage Architectures with Industry's Highest Port Count, PCIe Gen3 RAID Adapters
Businesswire Japan 09/06/2012 Adaptec by PMC Transforms Data Center Storage Architectures with Industry's Highest Port Count, PCIe Gen3 RAID Adapters
Regrese 09/06/2012 Adaptec by PMC Transforms Data Center Storage Architectures with Industry's Highest Port Count, PCIe Gen3 RAID Adapters
Livedoor News 09/06/2012 Can SSD-Striping become a choice on a par with a PCIe flash?
KeymansNet 09/06/2012 PMC-Sierra launched RAID adapters taking full advantage of PCIe Gen3 bandwidth
Hatena 09/06/2012 PMC-Sierra launched RAID adapters taking full advantage of PCIe Gen3 bandwidth
MyNavi News 09/06/2012 PMC launched the PCIe Gen3 SAS/SATA RAID adapter family with up to 24 ports
Cloud.Watch 09/06/2012 PMC-Sierra launched RAID adapters taking full advantage of PCIe Gen3 bandwidth
Tech-on(Nikkei-Electronics 09/06/2012 PMC-Sierra launched the PCIe Gen3 SAS/SATA RAID adapters
ASCII.jp 09/06/2012 Adaptec Series 7 utilizes full bandwidth of PCIe Gen3
Yahoo news 09/06/2012 PMC launch the PCIe Gen3 SAS/SATA RAID adapter family with up to 24 ports
Excite news 09/06/2012 PMC launch the PCIe Gen3 SAS/SATA RAID adapter family with up to 24
IT Pro 09/06/2012 PMC-Sierra introduced new RAID adapter "Adaptec Series 7" with 24 SAS ports
BCN BIZLINE 09/06/2012 PMC-Sierra launched RAID adapters taking full advantage of PCIe Gen3 bandwidth
@IT 09/06/2012 What you can do with new RAID adapter?
Can SSD-Striping become a choice on a par with a PCIe flash?
Yahoo news 09/06/2012 PMC-Sierra launched RAID adapters taking full advantage of PCIe Gen3 bandwidth
Asahi Shinbun Digital 09/06/2012 PMC-Sierra launched RAID adapters taking full advantage of PCIe Gen3 bandwidth
C-NET Japan 09/06/2012 "Adaptec Series 7 adapter famiy" taking full advantage of PCIe Gen3 bandwidth
ZDNet Japan 09/06/2012 "Adaptec Series 7 adapter famiy" taking full advantage of PCIe Gen3 bandwidth
Hermitage Akihabara 09/06/2012 Adaptec introduced new PCI-Express 3.0 RAID adapter Adaptec Series 7 with up to 24 ports
Infoseek news 09/06/2012 PMC launched the PCIe Gen3 SAS/SATA RAID adapter family with up to 24 ports
Nikkei BP net 09/06/2012 PMC-Sierra introduced new RAID adapter "Adaptec Series 7" with 24 SAS ports
Mapion news 09/06/2012 PMC launched the PCIe Gen3 SAS/SATA RAID adapter family with up to 24 ports



Publication Date Headline
EDN KOREA 09/13/2012 업계 최대 포트수 및 PCIe Gen3 RAID어댑터
동아economy 09/06/2012 아답텍 바이 PMC, 업계 최다 포트의 PCIe Gen3 RAID 어댑터로 데이터 센터 저장 아키텍처를 변혁시켜
NewsZum 09/06/2012 아답텍 바이 PMC, 업계 최다 포트의 PCIe Gen3 RAID 어댑터로 데이터 센터 저장 아키텍처를 변혁시켜
Newsis 09/06/2012 아답텍 바이 PMC, 업계 최다 포트의 PCIe Gen3 RAID 어댑터로 데이터 센터 저장 아키텍처를 변혁시켜
Yahoo Korea 09/06/2012 아답텍 바이 PMC, 업계 최다 포트의 PCIe Gen3 RAID 어댑터로 데이터 센터 저장 아키텍처를 변혁시켜


United Kingdom

Publication Date Headline
Hardware.info 09/07/2012 PCI-Express 3.0 raid controllers by Adaptec