Adaptec Serial ATA II RAID 2820SA
The Adaptec Serial ATA II RAID 2820SA card is an eight-port controller that supports SATA or SATA II disk drives. It features the Adaptec AIC-8210 SATA RAID-on-Chip (ROC) ASIC and Adaptec RAID Code (ARC) with standard RAID 0, 1, 5, 10, and 50, as well as optional RAID 1E, 5EE, 6, and 60. It is one of the new products which have available optional snapshot and copy back (static hot spare) capabilities.
Small Image of Adaptec Serial ATA II RAID 2820SA
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Note: Only drivers that are not included or embedded within a supported operating system are listed below. To see a complete list of supported operating systems see the Product Specifications

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