Changing sparrow irq

The following products are supported by this procedure:

  • Adaptec AVA-1505 series
  • Adaptec AHA-1510 series
  • Adaptec AIC-6260/6360/6370 based SCSI host adapters without BIOS

Check for allocated resources using Administrator Tools/NT Diagnostics/Resources. Allocated Resources are listed. The sparrow.sys driver defaults to IRQ11 and Port 0340h. If the IRQ is in use by an ISA device or cannot be reserved for ISA use, the Adaptec controller must then be set to another IRQ in the range of 9-12. Scanned ports are 0340h (default) and 0140h. The driver must be configured in the Registry Editor to reflect the adapter IRQ and/or Port. If the installed system is PCI based, the IRQ must also be reserved for ISA Legacy in the system CMOS as described in the system BIOS documentation. The procedure described below will configure the driver to match the controller settings. Those adapters that are Plug-and-Play may choose to have that option disabled by using the BIOS setting or via the adapter .cfg file.

Enter the Registry Editor by selecting Regedt32 in the Task bar Run menu.
From HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, go to System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sparrow
Highlight Sparrow, click on the Edit menu and select ADD KEY_ Key name should be Parameters (upper case P and plural). Click OK.
Highlight the new Parameters folder, click on the Edit menu and select ADD KEY_ Key name should be Device0 (upper case D and the number zero). Click OK.
Highlight the new Device0 folder, click on the Edit menu and select ADD VALUE_ Value name should be DriverParameters (upper case D and P, plural, no spaces). Click OK.
Now you have a box that says "String". In this box you will enter the values for the selected IRQ and Port address.

The IRQ switch is set as /qxx. Valid values are /q9, /q10, /q11, or /q12
The Port switch is set as /Pxxx. Valid value are /P340 and /P140.
Values are separated by a space.

If the IRQ or Port is still at the default, it does not need to be entered in the "String" box unless there are two adapters installed. If two adapters are installed, the "String" values should reflect the IRQ and Port settings of both adapters.

Example: AHA-1505A adapter jumpered for IRQ 9 and Port 140
The values entered in the "String" box are /q9 /p140

After the value(s) has been entered, select OK and then shutdown and reboot.
