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Adaptec Supports Microsoft® Windows

With the release of the Windows 7 operating system, Adaptec already offers Windows 7 support for most of our current products. Some include Windows 7 support out of the box, while others may require a download.

Check your Adaptec products now.

With the release of the Windows 2008 R2 operating system, Adaptec already offers Windows 2008 R2 support for most of our current products. Some include Windows 2008 R2 support out of the box, while others may require a download.

Check your Adaptec products now.

With the release of the Windows 2008 operating system, Adaptec already offers Windows 2008 support for most of our current products. Some include Windows 2008 support out of the box, while others may require a download.

Check your Adaptec products now.

With the release of the Windows Vista operating system, Adaptec already offers Windows Vista support for most of our products. Some include Windows Vista support out of the box, while others may require a download.

Check your Adaptec products now.